We have experience assisting children in the following areas: - Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Developmental Delay
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Emotional regulation
- Behaviourial difficulties
- Specific Learning Difficulties
- Mental Health i.e. anxiety
- Genetic Disorders
- Sensory Processing Difficulties
- Motor Dyspraxia
- Dyslexia
- Motor Skills (fine and gross motor)
- Visual Perceptual Skills
- Balance and Coordination
- Motor Planning and Sequencing
- Self-Care Skills i.e. dressing and using utensils
- Low Muscle Tone/reduced endurance
- Handwriting and Pencil Grip
- Hand dominance
- Crossing Mid Line
- Bi Lateral Integration
- Speech clarity or articulation skills
- Lisp
- Difficulty understanding what others say
- Difficulty remembering or following instructions
- Difficulty expressing themselves in age-appropriate sentences
- Stuttering
- Difficulty with literacy skills - reading, reading comprehension, spelling, written expression
| Common indicators for referrals include: - Slow to reach developmental milestones
- Difficulty engaging in play
- Difficulty interacting with adults and peers
- Challenges with social skills
- Appears to be clumsy or poor coordination
- Avoids certain activities such as swings, climbing, messy play
- Appears to be sensitive to sounds
- Avoids certain textures of food, clothing or dislikes being touched
- Difficulty maintaining attention
- Difficulty sitting still or constantly fidgeting
- Poor concentration
- Appears to be weaker than peers or fatigues quickly
- Low motivation or disinterest in daily activities
- Difficulty participating in arts and crafts i.e. using pencils, scissors
- Poor organisational skills i.e. locating items in their school bag
- Difficulty following instructions or remembering a message
- Difficulty with idea generation and expressive writing
- Slow processing speed i.e. slow at writing thoughts to paper or slow to get dressed
- Literacy difficulties including reading, writing, comprehension, spelling skills
- Messy or illegible handwriting
- Awkward pencil grip
- Anxiety realted to daily activities
- Difficulty following routines and transitioning