Getting the kids involved in the kitchen can be daunting – there can be dangerous and sharp items, and kids are magnets that can attract a mess. While this can be true, the positives greatly outweigh ...
Winter-friendly Activities
Posted By Emily Newbold,
The wintery weather is here, and with colder mornings and evenings no doubt your little munchkins are spending more time inside. Have no fear, though! There are plenty of winter-friendly activities...
Outdoor Play
Posted By Mia Pearn,
Every parent hopes for their child/ren to grow up healthy and strong. One of the easiest and most effective ways of supporting children's physical development is through engagement in outdoor activiti...
5 Fun Ways to Use Theraputty or Play-Doh
Posted By Stephanie Schultz,
Theraputty and play-doh are great resources for developing children's fine motor skills, including hand and finger strength, grasp, and precise movements. Fine motor strength and skills...
Awareness of Personal Space
Posted By Ching Yan Siu,
For young children, friendships are often formed based on who is physically closest to themin the playgrounds. However, friendships slowly become more reciprocal as children startdeveloping the sense ...
Emotional Regulation
Posted By Emily Newbold,
Emotional regulation is a very large part of our role as Occupational Therapists, and it is often raised as an area of concern by parents and teachers/educators alike. Emotional regulation is...
Posted By Emily Newbold,
Occupational Therapy is often recommended by teachers for children who are having difficulty with handwriting. Handwriting is often an obvious visual sign that a child is having some difficulty with...
Motor Planning
Posted By Kim Guess and Sarah Hickey,
Motor Planning Motor planning is part of a group of skills that help us move our body the way we want to. This includes the upper limbs and hands (fine motor), body (gross motor), mouth and ton...
Visual Spatial Relationship & How is it Improved?
Posted By Kim Guess and Sarah Hickey,
Do you know a child that reverses letters? Bumps into people? Or has poor organisational skills? They may have difficulty with visual spatial relations. What is Visual Spatial Relationship? ...
Implications of Having Low Tone and How to Improve it
Posted By Kim Guess and Sarah Hickey,
Muscle tone is important for everything we do with our bodies including gross motor activities such as sports and running and fine motor activities such as handwriting and eating. Having adequate...