It is pretty well known that from research and data gathered over the years, that in general there are less girls than boys that are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In the past...
The Cuddle Club
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As OTs the bread and butter of our therapy is sensory processing. Proprioception is one of the ‘hidden’ senses and relates to deep pressure felt in the muscles and joints of our body. Have you ever...
Morning Routines – Set your child up for success this upcoming term!
Posted By Caitlin Lamont,
At KFOT we understand how challenging mornings can be, especially when transitioning back to school after a nice, relaxing break. Establishing a consistent morning routine not only helps children...
Inside Out 2 movie
Posted By Molly Ley,
Recently, a group of KFOT therapists got together to go see the new Inside Out 2 movie. The first Inside Out movie was fantastic for opening up conversations about emotional regulation with kids of a...
Creativity & Cognitive Skills for Preschoolers
Posted By Carise Ong,
We often think about gross or fine motor skills as the crucial markers for development during the preschool years, however, cognitive skills are also developing rapidly between the ages of 2 and 5...
Posted By Rose Murrell Marsh,
We hope that this post might help clarify a few things about Dysgraphia, as OT’s we know it is confusing, and there can be a lot of different terminology around challenges with writing, reading...
New Graduate Experience at KFOT
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Our names are Carise and Jessica, and we are the new graduate occupational therapists who joined the KFOT team in 2024! We have both really appreciated the level of support we’ve received from...
Siblings Of Kids With Additional Needs
Posted By Emily Newbold,
At Kids First, we acknowledge that many of the children we support have siblings and that having a sibling with additional needs can be challenging for them. As occupational therapists, we understand...
Creative Ways To Work On Prewriting Skills
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Prewriting skills and techniques prepare your children for handwriting. Through various creative activities children can develop hand strength and control to hold a pencil and obtain control over...
Navigating the NDIS
Posted By Caitlin Lamont,
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a scheme under the Australian Government that aims to empower individuals with disabilities or developmental concerns by providing funding for servic...